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How to Prepare for your Admissions Abroad

By Praseeja Nambiar, 
Career and Guidance Coulselor

The heat is on as UK applications are live. US applications go live in the first week of August and other countries are in line getting ready to open their gates (literally and figuratively) for freshman students across the globe. 

While the preparation to get admitted to the best universities and first choice universities have begun for most of the students and families, it is still not too late for students who have not started the process.  

Here’s a guide to choosing the right subjects and the right curriculum.

The best time to start is Grade 9 and Grade 10. Many schools offer a multitude of curricula to choose from and often students and families are spoilt for choice. What factors does one even consider? Subject selections take place in the beginning of Grade 9, Grade 10 and Grade 11 depending on the curriculum and subjects offered at the school. Here is what has worked successfully for students:

  • Identify your learning goals and your personal goals. Discuss  your most relevant goals with your family. Look at the various curricula offered in your school or in your city. Choose an appropriate curriculum that suits your learning style

  • Take a psychometric test if you are unsure of the career choices. There are many tests that are reliable and have worked in a student’s favour while choosing appropriate subjects in a particular curriculum

  • Schedule meetings with the career counsellor in your school to map learning and career goals to the subjects offered or intended subject selection

A suitable subject selection opens up doors for a plethora of career choices ahead. With the job scope being dynamic, higher education institutes are continuously evolving with their entrance requirements. Most of the universities prefer students with evidence of strong communication and research skills while applying for undergraduate courses in universities abroad and India.

Showcasing your personality 

Now that you have selected a pool of subjects that allows  you to pursue your dreams or at least, doesn't deprive you of the options ahead, it is time to get ahead and immerse in activities that define your personality. Universities want to see a candidate beyond the grades. The pandemic has only emphasised this further as schools went online and grading became very subjective. Universities have gone test blind and test optional which means qualitative evaluation of a student’s candidature is given utmost importance. The two main questions that universities ask, “Is this student going to be successful in our classes?” and “Do I envision this student in our community?” With college admit rates at an all time low and application volumes soaring at an all time high, students and families are often left anxious trying to figure out the best means to get an offer. The process is still simple and basic. Here is a list of things you can do to stay ahead of the curve.

  • Be authentic- Do not do things that you think the universities want to see. Do things that you like doing. You are more likely to come across as authentic and genuine in your interviews and applications

  • Pick up a job this summer over a fancy summer course in university. This will help in  developing some real life skills

  • Technology is everywhere – Use your love for technology to genuinely benefit your community. Scale does not matter; effort and outcome matters.

  • Learn a new language. You are more likely to be offered a job/internship while in college due to your multilingualism.

  • Be an active member of your school community. This is the best way to show that you care for your community and the people around you. THis adds service hours to your resume.

  • Do not unnecessarily fuel your resume – universities can see through fake profiles and irrelevant activities, if there are too many. Keep it simple and deepen your commitment with any activity that you take up.

Story Telling

For all colleges in the US, given that the pandemic has impacted lives in unimaginable ways, it is important to tell a story through college essays. The prompts have been set up in such a way that it lends a clear window of expression for a student to tell their story. It is important that the admissions officer gets to know the student beyond their academics and activities. Essays are a major way to express passion for a particular subject, or talk about a deep personal situation that has shaped the way they think. Students can even write about an important event that has impacted their lives. This is their chance to speak about their unique passions and circumstances that will help the admissions officer get a multi-dimensional view of the applicant.  

For colleges in the UK, students will have to write a personal statement with details about the intended course. The personal statement has to be academic in nature, and needs to show the student’s unique reasons for applying to that particular university. The student will need to mention experiences that have made them confident to take up the intended major. To add value, leadership and service related experiences can be weaved into the personal statement. 



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