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Community Service

Community Service in Primary School

Action in the PYP

Learners are given a voice, choice and ownership of learning through learning experiences that are tailored to their needs. The learners are encouraged to take the big ideas of their learning (the conceptual understandings) further through action. This may be as simple as sharing through traditional means such as posters and presentations. It may also be as complex as building an app or supporting a local organisation.

Records are kept through learner portfolios and school-based publications. This allows the learner to validate what they have accomplished and serves as a driver for further opportunities. The school elevator is an example of a Primary learner’s action. They saw the need and set about lobbying the Governing Council to have it installed.

The Primary learners also support community-based connections through host culture activities. Some may be as simple as participating in the Arts Week, others include inviting local farmers into school to share their local expertise or supporting a street dogs organisation by raising funds in their break time. All are part of the learning experiences that give support to their growing confidence and the ability to be heard. 


Primary Years Community Service

Community Service in Secondary School

Community Service in Secondary

  • Service in the Middle Years Programme 

  • Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS) in the Diploma Programme

Service in the Middle Years Programme (MYP) 

The Service programme at Stonehill is referred to as Stonehill in Action (SIA). Action and Service have always been shared values of the Stonehill community. The students take action when they apply what they are learning in the classroom and beyond. Stonehill students strive to be caring members of the community who demonstrate a commitment to service, making a positive difference to the lives of others and to the environment.

What is the aim of SIA?

SIA aims at developing globally competent and culturally aware students. The students progressively grow to become caring, open-minded, and courageous. They become advocates, who use their academic knowledge and skills to address genuine community needs. 

Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS) in the Diploma Programme (DP)

Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS) is one of the three essential elements that every student must complete as part of the Diploma Programme (DP). Studied throughout the Diploma Programme, CAS involves the students in a range of activities alongside their academics. CAS has seven learning outcomes but it is not formally assessed. However, the students reflect on their CAS experiences as part of the DP, and provide evidence of achieving the seven learning outcomes.

Making a Difference at Stonehill

The CAS programme at Stonehill is considered vital to the overall development of DP students. The programme is introduced by the coordinator at the beginning of D1 (Grade 11) through a series of slides, talks, videos and discussions. CAS runs for eighteen months and requires each student to understand their own strengths and work on further developing them.

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