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Welcome Stonehill Alumni!

Our shared experiences connect us in a special way. As global citizens, you have reached different corners of the world and we are very proud of your accomplishments and milestones. 

Free Stonehill Merchandise

If you would like some free Stonehill Merchandise, please fill the form below with your details. We will be changing this merchandise item regularly, and updating it with, exciting different items!

Right now, you can get a Stonehill branded Varsity Jacket!

Regardless of whichever part of the world you are in, we will have it delivered to you!

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Alumni- Stonehill International school

IB Results and University Placements

Stonehill’s IBDP score remains above the world average, for the ninth consecutive year. Stonehill graduates have been accepted at some of the most prestigious universities across the globe.

IB Results and Placements

Events at Stonehill

Stonehill in the Media